This blog is an exploration of our personal health, the health of those we love, and the institutions we depend on to help us heal - and have a good death.
These blog articles are a series of thoughts, wisdom, and resources from Connie Jorsvik, and the incredible people she has met along the journey.
This is a safe place to share and explore ideas about healing our bodies, minds, souls, and society.
Empowered Patients & Care Partners
An empowered patient is informed and supported! But none of us can be empowered all of the time. The sicker we are, the less likely we will be able to advocate for ourselves. Here's why we need empowered care partners at our side.
Empowered Patients: Build Your Team
Even if we are alone or have few people in our world, with some thought and assertiveness, we can all build a team to support us during serious illness. But how? What do I need most?
Communication: The Power of the Notebook
A notebook, used well, can save you significant time, stress, and missed information and appointments. It may even save your life.
Communication: Plan for All Health Appointments
It's harder than ever to see our primary care practitioners in a timely manner and seeing a specialist can take months and, for some specialists, up to a year. It is essential to go into appointments prepared.
When You Hit Communication Walls
If you are hitting a communication wall with your doctor – or being denied care – strongly consider finding a healthcare advocate (friend or professional) to help you. Taking an educated witness with you to appointments is a very powerful tool.
Miscommunication and Missed Communication
Miscommunication – but most often missed-communication – at all levels of the healthcare are so common that incidents are dismissed and just considered normal. However, empowered patients and care partners are the plastic wrap between the layers of Swiss Cheese. What you see and say can make the difference between life and death.